Selasa, 12 April 2011


See this? This breaks my heart. People really need to give him a break, especially the paps. They need to understand he’s just a normal boy, yeah he’s the hottest pop singer out there right now, but they need to give him space and personal time with his family. HIS DAD IS OUT THERE WITH HIM FOR GOSH SAKES, LET JUSTIN BIEBER SPEND TIME WITH HIS DAD WITHOUT PAPS ALL UP THEIR ASSES. Leave the boy alone for once, yeah he’s famous, but he does need time alone, personal space, without screaming fans and paps, he wants time alone with his family, so let him have time alone with family. 

It breaks my heart because he’s upset. He’s upset that the paps are always in his face, he knows he’s famous and theres going to be paps everywhere he goes, but they do need to give him a break, I don’t like seeing Justin upset, whether it’s the paps that are annoying jhim, or his girlfriend breaking up with him or haters, or fans turning on him, I don’t like him upset/mad/angry..whatever. It hurts me, a belieber, and it hurts thousands of his other beliebers to see tweets like this because we want him to be happy, thats all we want, a smile..the real smile, the sweet lovey tweets, not depressing tweets. We love Justin dearly, and we hate when he has a frown, when Justin smiles, we smile. We want the best for him, we want his heart to be happy,And us true beliebers know when Justin is upset, we deeply know when something is wrong with our boy and it breaks us. 

So Justin, we love you, we understand the paps need to give you a break, we understand you want time alone with your family, and I hope they left you alone, you deserve a break, you worked SOOOO hard for us, and we understand. We love you. We care about you, so smile baby, it looks amazing on you, don’t frown, why? because…


p.s paparzzai, leave the boy and his family alone, k bye. 

loveyou bieeebberr.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Pertama kali tau Justin Bieber.

Halo beliebers, gue pingin cerita awal mula gue tau "the boy and the most important person who changed my life" yeaa it's JUSTIN BIEBER!

Nah jadi ceritanya gini, gue punya temen di facebook namanya Leigha Eady. Gue kenal sama Leigha dari temen SD gue Muhammad Wenvy Agam sebut saja agam yang pindah ke London, Ontario ikut bersama keluarganya disana *enak bener ye zz--" terus temen gue si Agam pacaran sama si Leigha dan gue pun ngeadd pesbuknya sekitar bulan Agustus, 2009 lalu gue dan Leigha berkenalan. Pas gue lagi liat koleksi album fotonya Leigha eh ada album foto yg judulnya "Justin Bieber <3" dan Leigha sendiri juga pake poto profil Justin Bieber. akhirnya gue tanya deh tuh ke orangnya "Who the boy in your profpic?" eh tiba2 si agam langsung jebejebean coment gini "he's not a girl!" eh leigha langsung ketawa tuh kata dia "he is a teenage pop star (:" terus gue liat lagi albumnya "Justin Bieber <3" dengan seksama dan dalem hati pun gue berkata gini "eh kayak cewe banget sumpah hahahaha" *parah bgt ya gue._. saking penasarannya gue sama Leigha kenapa bisa segini Fanatic sama Justin Bieber gue iseng cari video clipnya di youtube. dannn jengjeng....

Gue pertama kali ngeliat videoklip Justin Bieber it's called "One Time" i already got a BIEBER FEVER! Sumpah ya di video clip itu tuh Justinnya cute bangetttttttttttttttttt *O*
dan dari situ pula juga gue bikin sebuah account bernama Twitter karna di page facebooknya dia sering ngepost twitter dia gituu makanya gue ikut-ikutan hehe. Semenjak gue punya twitter, gue tau news tentang dia dan semakin hari gue semakin jatuh cinta sama tuh orang :')

but i wish, someday i have a chance to meet Justin Bieber :'( NEVER SAY NEVER!

Justin Drew Bieber, I love you with all my heart and soul

The only thing I can say to you is thank you, thank you and more thank you! There’s no word to describe what you mean to me.